How Do You Know That a Girl Likes You

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She glances your mode, laughs at your jokes, and acts nervously around you lot. Y'all're not certain if she's flirting, being friendly, or is just uninterested. Whether you've had a beat on a girl for ages and are dying to know if the feeling is mutual or you just want to know if she likes y'all for marvel'southward sake, we'll help you out. We consulted our dating experts to bring you 25 foolproof signs that a girl likes you lot.

  1. ane

    Look for open trunk language. When a daughter likes you lot, she volition face up in your management. If a girl has her torso turned towards you in an open up way, this means that she is confident talking with yous. If she has a closed body position, namely crossed arms or legs, she may be shy or nervous to talk to you or she may simply be creating a barrier to signal that she is uninterested.[1]

    • When she is sitting with her legs crossed, watch her anxiety. If they are pointed towards y'all, it might mean that she likes yous and wants to go closer to you.[2]
    • Mostly speaking, a daughter will stand closer to you and will have more relaxed body linguistic communication if she feels comfortable around you lot — for case, she'll have relaxed shoulders and she won't cross her artillery, But, everyone's personality and cultural upbringing is different, then don't take it equally a sign she's not into you if this isn't the case.[3]
  2. ii

    Pay attention to eye contact. If a girl likes yous, she will tend to either concur her gaze on you for a few seconds or glance down the moment your eyes make contact with hers. Either of these responses could mean that she likes yous. If she pulls away quickly, it often means she is nervous or not ready to reveal her truthful intentions yet, just she may still similar you.

    • When a daughter likes y'all, her pupils might dilate, though this volition exist hard to tell.
    • If you happen to glance at the daughter and you run into her staring dorsum at you, this could mean that she likes you.
  3. iii

    Notice if she touches you or tries to get closer. When a daughter likes you lot, she will oftentimes try to touch you, as this is a noticeable yet however subtle way to flirt. Information technology allows a daughter to size up how responsive yous are. She may impact your arm when yous say something funny, "accidentally" brush your shoulder or hands with hers, or gently identify her hand on your knee.

    • Not all girls will experience comfortable reaching out using touch. In this example, don't assume that she doesn't like you just because she doesn't try to affect y'all. She may be too nervous to do then. If yous like her, don't be shy––suspension the affect barrier yourself and see how she responds.
    • She may also find other reasons to bear upon you, such as softly punching your arm. These "one-of-the-mates" moves can be a thinly disguised way of getting closer to you lot without information technology being likewise evident to your friends and hers.
  4. four

    Pay attention to whether she randomly hugs you. This is especially significant if her random hugs are reserved by and large for y'all. Hugs are a friendly, affectionate manner of getting closer to you and touching you lot without it necessarily compromising her stealthy flirting skills. Return the hug if you lot like her back, or gently turn down her hug if y'all don't want her to get the incorrect impression.

  5. 5

    Encounter if she mirrors your moves. If a daughter imitates yous - for case, if you run your fingers through your hair and you notice her exercise the aforementioned a few seconds later - she may be subconsciously mirroring your movements. This tin can be a tell that she likes yous.

  6. 6

    Notice if she's playing with her hair. If a daughter runs her fingers through her hair or brushes her pilus dorsum every once in awhile, information technology can exist a sign that she's flirting with you.[4]

  7. 7

    Expect for signs of nervousness or fidgeting. When a girl likes you, she will touch on her lips, collarbone, or cervix to describe your attending to these areas. She may even use lipstick in front of you.[5]

  8. viii

    Detect if she smiles around you. This may be her fashion of signaling to you that she's comfortable and happy in your presence. When a daughter likes you, she may besides laugh at your jokes (regardless of how funny they actually are).

  9. 9

    Take context into account. The way you interpret a girl's body language volition vary depending on the context. For example, if you're talking one-on-one with a girl, her touching your arm for a few seconds could be considered flirting. However, if she quickly taps your shoulder to get your attention and tell you that your friend is looking for y'all, she may really but be trying to help, not flirt.

    • If you are having an intense chat, a girl may look at yous without breaking eye contact. This does not necessarily mean she likes you. It could just exist a conversational do of hers. However, if she makes middle contact with you for an extended menses of time without talking, or if she looks at you and breaks away the infinitesimal yous await back at her, she may exist intrigued by you.
  1. 1

    Be receptive to compliments. If a daughter compliments you, she could very well similar you. This may exist her way of making y'all feel desired.

    • She might say things similar "you lot take amazing eyes" or "you're and so athletic - do you play any sports?"
  2. 2

    Detect her friends' reactions. If y'all see about of her friends glancing back at you and smiling or giggling, this probably ways that she has told her friends about you and they're "in the know." In some cases, a friend may actually be bold enough to come up and tell you that her friend likes you.

    • When she is having a conversation with her friends and you come up over, they might stop talking all of a sudden. This likely means that y'all were the subject of the recently ended conversation.
  3. iii

    Notice her style. When a girl likes you, she will ofttimes try to impress you with her manner. She may cull to habiliment slightly revealing clothes or put on lipstick to catch your heart.[6]

    • Every girl has a dissimilar sense of style, and not all girls will effort to dress as aforementioned when they similar somebody. However, if you lot notice that the daughter yous're wondering almost dresses a little more nicely around you, it could be a sign that she wants to impress you.
  4. 4

    Be mindful of gentle, friendly teasing. When a girl likes you lot, she may tease you lightly almost sure things you exercise or say. Ways of teasing include calling you out on a joke that actually wasn't that funny, poking fun at something you lot're wearing, or lightly telling you that you're trying too hard.

  5. 5

    Notice if she makes excuses to talk to you. She may "friend" y'all on social media, talk to you in person every twenty-four hours after class, or text you randomly. These could exist signs that this girl is intrigued and wants to get to know yous more.

    • This alone is not a definitive sign that a girl likes you lot. A girl who simply wants to exist friends may too try to engage in conversation with you. Only if a girl tries to talk to y'all often, exhibits a number of flirty body language cues, and compliments you often, she may be trying to tell you that she likes yous.
  6. 6

    Notice if she mentions your relationship condition. When a daughter likes you, she will want to know whether you are single or not so that she can decide if she should flirt with you. She may direct inquire you if you accept a girlfriend or she may use a subtler approach.

    • She might tease yous by saying things like "I bet you went to run across that picture with your girlfriend." If you like her, employ this as an opportunity to flirt back. Yous could say "I don't accept a girlfriend, only I have been significant to see that movie...want to go with me Friday night?"
  7. 7

    Expect for "damsel in distress" moments. When a girl likes y'all, she may pretend to exist in a mildly vulnerable situation to test your response. For case, if yous're exterior and the girl y'all like starts saying "I'm cold!" that's a subtle hint that she wants you to give her your sweater. Doing so is a very sugariness gesture, peculiarly if you want to show the girl that yous similar her.

    • Sometimes a daughter will pretend to be really bad at doing something, like saying she doesn't understand the homework. That is your chance to offer some aid; be enlightened that she volition most likely be doing this on purpose just to exam your reaction in hopes that you lot volition help out.
    • When offering assistance, if she doesn't fancy you just at that place is somebody she likes in the room, she may frown or show other signs of disappointment if you offer to help showtime. In this case, at to the lowest degree you'll know how she feels and volition be able to move on.
  8. 8

    Exam her involvement by asking her for help. If she'southward always there for you when you need her, she might like you lot. But don't assume that she's into you only from ane experience. Ask her occasionally for minor things, like chewing gum or a pen, and notice how she reacts. If she's eager to help you and shows other signs of liking y'all, then she very well might.

    • Don't use this arroyo too much or tasks that seem too difficult, she may remember you're lazy, testing her, or are even a bit of a nuisance. And so don't overdo it; you lot don't want to take chances her ceasing to similar you if she indeed does.
  9. 9

    Detect how she acts effectually others. If a girl flirts with y'all, it doesn't necessarily mean that she likes you. She may just get a thrill out of flirting, or she may not fifty-fifty find that she'southward flirting. The best mode to see if she is just flirting with you and it's not just her naturally flirty demeanor coming through is to notice how she acts around other people.

    • If she treats you differently than she does others, exist it by holding eye contact just a bit longer with you lot than with anybody else or past beingness gentler in her teasing with y'all, then she may similar you lot.
  1. 1

    Smile at her. A natural, genuine, carefree grinning is the perfect style to let a girl know that you similar being effectually her. Information technology volition also let her know that you're a happy person, and since happiness can be contagious, she'll acquaintance positive emotions with you. If she returns your smile, you can bet she feels comfortable effectually yous.

  2. ii

    Strike up a chat. This is a great way to gauge her involvement level. As you talk, notice if she gives you any signs or hints that she likes yous or if she uses vaguely romantic language. She could also testify her interest in you by nodding ofttimes or repeating some of your phrases.

    • To showtime a conversation, you lot can ask her an open-ended question near grade, work, or pop culture. It could exist something equally simple as "what do you think about this band?" or "how'south your twenty-four hour period going?"
    • Don't fret if the daughter you like doesn't initiate a chat with yous. If she likes you, she may be too shy or nervous to do and then! Even if she seems like the most confident girl you know, she may have had a bad experience in the by or simply may non be ready to arroyo you however but will be receptive if yous start the conversation first.
    • If you lot're already friends, starting a chat volition be easy. In this case, the nigh effective style to tell if she likes y'all is to selection upwardly on body linguistic communication cues or to see if she treats yous differently than she does her other friends.
  3. iii

    Exist attentive. If you lot similar the girl, put your best foot forward by remembering a few small-scale details about the things she tells you. Listen advisedly to the things she says so that you will accept them for future reference.

    • For case, if she tells you the proper name of her favorite band, bring up one of the band's songs during your next conversation. She'll exist impressed that you took observe! If she wasn't already interested in you lot romantically, she might showtime to reconsider once she sees how circumspect you are.
    • Talking likewise provides another opportunity to detect her trunk linguistic communication, and then watch for physical cues such as subtle touches.
  4. 4

    Suggest that yous like her. Only practise this if you actually do like her and if you get the sense that she likes y'all back. This is a blunt move which tin can seem daunting, only if you lot similar the girl and are fairly certain she might like yous dorsum, a bold approach which could open the door to yous asking her out on a appointment with the certainty that she likes you back.

    • You can permit her know you're interested past proverb something like "I really similar having you lot as a friend, merely I'd love to exist more than friends."
    • Don't tell her y'all similar her if you are merely looking to satisfy your curiosity about her interest in you. This tin can exist hurtful and tin sever her trust in yous.
  5. 5

    Ask her out . If you lot similar the girl simply aren't certain if she likes you dorsum, y'all can test the waters by saying "I've been hearing peachy things nearly this picture,___. Would you similar to come up see it with me?" Keep the tone coincidental. If she says yes, you'll know she's interested. If she says no, you can change the conversation to something else.

  6. 6

    Be receptive to her signals. Back off if you lot go the sense that she actually doesn't similar you or appoint in a flirty banter if you sense there is mutual interest.

    • If the daughter you like objects to your romantic advances, even when you thought she liked you back, don't take it personally. A practiced human relationship starts with a strong common connexion. Moreover, there are plenty of other girls who will be correct for you.
  7. vii

    Avoid overanalyzing. Trying to effigy out whether a girl likes you tin can be all-consuming and distracting. Over-analyzing her beliefs may result in your condign obsessed with simply "winning her over" rather than getting to know her as a person.

    • Rather than investing tons of time in determining whether or not she likes you, have opportunities every now and and then to spend fourth dimension with her and her friends. But brand certain to make your intentions relatively clear (via subtle flirting), or else you may become permanently "friend-zoned."

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  • Question

    How can I flirt without saying anything?

    Cher Gopman

    Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, i-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Omnibus, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Trick, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post.

    Cher Gopman

    Dating Coach

    Expert Answer

    When you're flirting, smiling is very of import, because information technology shows that you lot're engaged and allows the other person to experience at ease with yous. Center contact is besides very important, merely be careful non to stare too intently, as it can come up across as intimidating. Also, leaning frontwards when y'all talk to someone shows them that you're interested in what they're saying.

  • Question

    How tin you lot brand a girl fall in love with yous?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    The short reply is, you lot tin can't. At that place's no way to control how someone else feels about you. The best you can do is show her that you're interested and be your all-time self effectually her so that she gets to know your bonny qualities.

  • Question

    How tin can you tell if a daughter likes you over text?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Text can be tricky because you lot miss out on clues like torso language and tone of voice. Look for other hints, like if she uses a lot of playful emojis or gets very chatty over text. On the other hand, if she gives you a lot of dismissive ane-discussion answers (like "yeah" or "chiliad"), she may non be into you.

  • Question

    How tin can yous tell if a girl likes you but is hiding information technology?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written past 1 of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    A girl might hide her feelings for you lot if she'southward shy, agape of existence rejected, or thinks a human relationship would be a bad thought for whatever reason. If yous doubtable she likes you, look for subtle hints like lots of eye contact, finding excuses to hang around you, or smile or lighting up when you look her style. If you know any of her friends, y'all tin can also inquire them if she's said annihilation about you lot. Ultimately, the best fashion to tell is to have an honest conversation with her about it.

  • Question

    What if she is very shy?

    Community Answer

    A shy girl might look abroad of a sudden when you turn to look at her, to pretend she wasn't staring at y'all. She might likewise smile more around you, or human action more awkward than she does effectually other people.

  • Question

    What if she keeps looking at me after something even the least flake funny happens and smiles at me, but only me every fourth dimension?

    Community Answer

    She probably likes you!

  • Question

    What if you're in middle school, and a girl stares into your eyes, and you stare dorsum, and she wont look away until you lot do? Does she similar me?

    Community Answer

    She might like you! Try to run into if she shows any other signs of flirting, like touching you playfully or teasing you.

  • Question

    What if she is playing hard to become?

    Community Answer

    Girls can definitely flirt by playing hard to get. The best way to selection up on this is to see how she'south acting effectually other people. if she'due south beingness just as flirty, then she may not like y'all personally. If you really like her, consider asking her out.

  • Question

    What to do if your crush likes yous and you lot like them

    Community Answer

    If yous know that you like each other, enquire your crush out on a date! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  • Question

    What does it hateful if she says "you're weird" or laughs at your stupid jokes?

    Community Answer

    It sounds similar she could definitely exist attracted to you. "Y'all're weird" can be a compliment if she'due south laughing or smiling when she says it.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • If you like a girl, don't "flirt around." If she sees you putting your arm around another girl or sees you flirt with others, she may assume that she is not special to you and may stop trying to get your attention.

  • A girl may like you without showing whatsoever of the aforementioned outward signs. The best way to find out is to spend time with her and run across what sort of relationship develops betwixt the 2 of you over fourth dimension.

  • If a daughter asks you to get out and do something with her but or with another couple, this may indicate that she is trying to ship you the message that she wants to be more than friends.

  • If she is very shy, then she may not be able to initiate a chat with you lot face up-to-face. All the same, information technology's possible that she will take the backbone to talk to y'all online instead. If she talks to you online but shies away when she sees yous, so the odds are she likes you a lot simply is having a hard time showing it in person. Test the waters by smiling at her and request her simple questions like how her mean solar day is going.

  • If the girl you lot like ever texts you back, but oft waits hours or days to practice so, information technology could mean she's playing hard to get.[seven]

  • If a daughter seems standoffish and avoids you, don't necessarily give upward entirely, equally you lot may be mistaken. Instead, slow downwards and give her room to exhale. She may be interested in y'all, but may uncomfortable existence courted in public, in which case you should perchance be more subtle well-nigh expressing your interest in her.

  • If a girl seems to exist purposely avoiding any sort of contact with you - say, actively avoiding any chance to talk to you, even if you're in a group setting - chances are she thinks you like her but she is non interested. Information technology could as well be that she is reacting negatively to advances that are too blunt. Take her silence and avoidance as a cue to back off and give her space. You can endeavour flirting with her again afterwards a couple of weeks. If she still responds negatively, y'all may have to cut your losses.

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Article Summary Ten

If you want to know if a girl likes y'all, start past looking at her torso language. A girl who'south interested in you will probably use a relaxed, open posture when she's talking to you, with her body facing toward you and her arms at her sides—not crossed in front end of her chest. Eye contact is another major clue, so pay attention to whether she locks eyes with you often. If she's shy, you might catch her stealing lots of quick glances instead. You might as well notice her smiling a lot, piffling with her pilus, or mirroring your movements and expressions when you lot talk to her. A girl who likes you lot will want to exist close to you, and she might look for excuses to casually affect y'all, castor upward confronting you lot, or give yous hugs. Aside from body language, look out for other clues, like lots of compliments and friendly teasing. It's likewise a good sign if she randomly texts you sometimes to outset a conversation, shares a funny motion-picture show or link, or just says "howdy." If you think you lot run into signs that she's into yous, try hit up a conversation with her or request her out on a casual date. If she seems excited to hang out with y'all, so she probably likes you. For tips on how to subtly show a girl that y'all're interested, keep reading!

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